Are headaches or migraines destroying your life?

Apex Headache Clinic, Belfast is the first drug-free headache and migraine clinic in Ireland, and has been clearing headaches and migraines for years. An experienced team of expert Headache Physiotherapy Specialists is led by clinic founder and Spinal Specialist, Rebecca Nelson. This month, Rebecca explains why physiotherapy, rather than painkillers is the solution to curing persistent headaches and migraines.

Do you suffer from debilitating headaches or migraines?

The effects of living with headaches and migraines can be devastating. In the UK alone, an astonishing 10 million people suffer from daily or frequent headaches. Many of our patients’ lives have been ruined by headaches, leaving them desperate to find a solution, which brings relief to their pain. Having previously suffered from migraines myself, I understand only too well how awful it can be to live with constant pain.

At Apex Headache Clinic, we know from years of treating headaches and migraines, that specialised physiotherapy treatment, rather than painkillers is usually the cure.

The cure for pain isn’t painkillers

At Apex Headache Clinic, we firmly believe that the cure for pain isn’t painkillers. In fact, it is well known that excessive medication actually makes many headaches worse. It is easy to fall into the cycle of over-medicating in an effort to try to relieve the pain. However, medical research advises that you should not take headache medication on more than three days a week. Medical research also shows that sufferers should avoid taking codeine, such as co-codamol. At Apex Headache Clinic, we tackle and treat pain at its source, reducing the need to take pain medication, which only ever masks the pain or can even worsen the headaches.

Headaches and migraines can stem from your neck

While spending the early part of my physiotherapy career in New Zealand, 20 years ago,  I sought treatment for my own migraines, which were diagnosed as stemming from my neck. Thankfully, following treatment, I have been migraine free ever since. To be cleared of this pain was simply life changing for me and I later launched Apex Headache Clinic with the aim of providing a cure to other migraine and headache sufferers like myself.

The Nelson Headache Approach

Inspired by my experience of treating headaches in New Zealand, the Nelson Headache Approach was born. My specialist regime of manual physiotherapy treatment for headaches and migraines has successfully been used in patients of all ages, from children to elderly folk.  All of our specialist physiotherapists have been extensively trained in this approach, and we have a very high success rate in curing persistent, longstanding headaches and migraines, with patients travelling from all over Ireland and the UK for our treatment.

Say goodbye to your headaches for good

Beth Neely, aged 18 said: “My headaches began four years ago and had been present ever since. I attended several doctors’ appointments, and carried out all recommendations, with no relief at all. I was also sent to paediatricians at the hospital, and again the outcome was the same. We literally tried all angles and the pain continued to get worse and worse, with no relief from painkillers at all. As a teenager, the pain had a major impact on my life. Thankfully, I finally found Apex Headache Clinic. When I attended my first appointment, what I noticed straight away was that the team genuinely wanted to help. My physio was confident that she could get to the source of the problem and it was the first bit of hope I’d felt in four years. To go from suffering headaches all day everyday, to almost none is just unbelievable and Apex has truly changed my life.”

Help is at hand

If you suffer persistent headaches or migraines, we could have the cure for you. Book an initial assessment and treatment today with Apex Headache Clinic and let our Specialist Headache Physiotherapists relieve you of your headaches or migraines for good.

To book an appointment call Apex Headache Clinic, Belfast on: 028 9048 4153.